Super admin is the platform which unifies all of the Nutrislice services into one interface. These services include Digital Signage, Enterprise Tools, Dashboard Analytics, and Taste Test Pro (with Menus coming soon).

Super admin screenshot of admin home screen
Nutrislice Admin home screen.

I started at Nutrislice when this admin interface was in its infancy. One of my first tasks with the company was to take some very early wireframes, intended as an admin for Digital Signage, and expand upon them. Creating a style guide to help pave the way for many products to come. I worked closely with both the CEO and CTO to create designs that allowed users to easily solve complex problems.

Super admin icons
A few of the icons I created for the project.

Nutrislice Admin was built as an MVP using AngularJS. I worked very closely with another developer to create it. I was primarily responsible for building the views and user interactions. It was my first, large-scale, experience using Angular and I learned a lot from it.

Nutrislice Admin has come a long way since its original launch. It has encompassed a variety of new tools and new functionality. All the while, preserving its original soul.

Super admin screenshot of forms example
Nutrislice Admin form view example.